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Examination of endothelial cell-induced epidermal regeneration in a mice-based chimney wound model.

2024-02-01 09:48

Seo J*, Park SJ*, Choi JJ*, Kang SW, Lim JJ, Lee HJ, Kim JS, Yang HM, Kim SJ, Kim EY,Park SP, Moon SH*, Chung HM*, Examination of endothelial cell-induced epidermal regeneration in a mice-based chimney wound model. Wound Repair Regen. 2016 Jul;24(4):686-94.


As wound contraction in the cutaneous layer occurs rapidly in mice, mechanical means are typically used to deliberately expose the wound to properly investigate healing by secondary intention. Previously, silicon rings and splinting models were attempted to analyze histological recovery but prevention of surrounding epidermal cell migration and subsequent closure was minimal. Here, we developed an ideal chimney wound model to evaluate epidermal regeneration in murine under hESC-EC transplantation through histological analysis encompassing the three phases of regeneration: migration, proliferation, and remodeling. Human embryonic stem cell derived endothelial cells (hESC-EC) were transplanted due to possessing a well-known therapeutic effect in angiogenesis which also enhances epidermal repair to depict the process of regeneration. Following a standard 1 mm biopsy punch, a chimney manufactured by modifying a 1.7 mL microtube was simply inserted into the excisional wound to complete the modeling process. Under this model, the excisional wound remained fully exposed for 14 days and even after 4 weeks, only a thin transparent layer of epidermal tissue covered the wound site. This approach is able to more accurately depict epidermal repair in relation to histology while also being a user-friendly and cost-effective way to mimic human recovery in rodents and evaluate epithelial repair induced by a form of therapy.


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