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Effect of chromosome instability on the maintenance and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in vitro and in vivo.

2024-01-31 15:05
Moon SH, Kim JS, Park SJ, Lim JJ, Lee HJ, Lee SM, Chung HM. Effect of chromosome instability on the maintenance and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Stem Cell Res. 2011.6:50-59.



The therapeutic potential of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) has long been appreciated, and the recent FDA approval of hESC derivatives for cell-based therapy encourages the clinical application of hESCs. Here, using CHA3-hESCs with normal and abnormal karyotypes, we report the importance of maintaining normal chromosomes during in vitro culture and the differentiation of hESCs for minimization of posttransplantation complications. We found that undifferentiated CHA3-hESCs with trisomy chromosome 12 undergo abnormal cell division with multiple spindles in comparison to the bipolar cell division of the karyotypically normal CHA3-hESCs. Transplanted karyotypically abnormal CHA3-hESC derivatives formed a tumor-like tissue 6weeks after transplantation in two out of seven mice tested. Our results demonstrate that the preservation of normal chromosomes is indispensable for maintaining the true properties of hESCs in vitro and abolishing adverse effects posttransplantation. Thus, the development of optimized techniques for stabilizing the chromosome state during in vitro hESC culture is a prerequisite for the therapeutic application of hESCs.


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